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Showing posts from July 12, 2023


Solomon K WHY USE EXCESSIVE FORCE AGAINST A MINOR IN A PEACEFUL PROCESSION Embakasi East legislator Babu Owino, has vehemently condemned the use of excessive force by police during the Azimio demos which were held in different parts of the country. The legislator blamed police brutality which resulted in the shooting of members of his constituency including a 17 year old minor who was allegedly shot by police in the leg and a boda boda rider who sustained three gunshots wounds with one aimed on his lower belly. "Why are you doing this to my people Ruto? The police are hungrier than my constituents. A child aged 17 years old was shot at Embakasi East," he alleged.  Taking to his social media, the outspoken legislator shared a video of a boda boda rider with three gunshot wounds, 2 on both legs and 1 on his belly which he alleged were from police shootings. The victim, Owino 32, who hails from Riverbank, claims he was shot at close range as he went on his business as a boda bod

People have been exploiting our viral fame but Sonko fulfilled - Kaveve Kazoze hitmakers after Sonko's reward

SONKO NI KUSEMA NA KUTENDA  Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has met up with Spider Clan, the Gengetone rap group popularly known as  the Kaveve Kazoze hit  makers. In an online video shot in his private Upper hill office, Sonko went further to spice their image with  an assortment of stylish wardrobes to spice up their celebrity look. Spider Clan's  Ngesh, the female rapper who blew to instant fame after 'Kaveve Kazoze' song became a viral hit across social platforms, thanked the former county boss  for his big-heartedness while noting that the group had received by factions that whose interest was to exploit their viral fame. "Tumeshukuru sana sisi kama Spider Clan, tumepiga looku, at least, promise moja imetimiza manze. Tumepewa promises mob, karibu tu give up but sasa tuko fiti, tumeshukuru sana," she said. A beaming Sonko, ushers the group into his now popular walk-in wardrobe where he dishes out brand new cloths to the group after which they all dressed up