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Showing posts from July 19, 2023

Sonko, Sakaja tour Nairobi streets and distribute goodies to peaceful residents..

NAIROBI's County Governor Johnson Sakaja and his predecessor Mike Sonko were amongst leaders who toured various areas in Nairobi where they shared pleasantries while urging the public to remain calm.  On his social media page Sonko shares a clip doing rounds in the city as he distributed foodstuffs to police officers and citizens during today's Azimio la umoja protests. "People have a right to hold peaceful demonstrations. Let's protect and maintain peace at all times," he urged as he distributed water and other necessities.  Governor Sakaja also shared a video as he traversed the city while on self drive, blaring hip-hop music and engaging residents who easily identified him. "Watu wa maintain," (Maintain calm) he urged before pulling over and sending an unknown amount of cash to Youth's that thronged his car. Both leaders were demonstrating the calmness that was witnessed in some parts of the country.  "When protests' turn violent, destruc