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Showing posts from May 7, 2023

Decongestion program of Correctional services is critical in safeguarding better livelihoods for inmates - CS Mary Muthoni.

 By S. Koko The State Department for Correctional Services has made a major milestone in the ongoing prison decongestion program by releasing up to 7,281 petty offenders by March 2023.  In an update on the status of correctional facilities in the country, the Principal Secretary in the department Mary Muthoni, acknowledged that the congestion in most prisons in the country poses safety and security challenges for both prison authorities and inmates further indicating that the freed inmates are engaging in community service nationwide. According to the PS, over 250 probationers and inmates have received adequate facilitation in educational support from the program with the state department helping them obtain their grade test certification. Further, the department has ensured that they have put in mechanisms to ensure that the freed individuals are engaged in community service to help them re-integrate back into their communities and become self dependent. “The objective of this initiat