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Showing posts from May 26, 2023

ABC Play House Spearheading the 123 in CBC Prowess

By Solomon Koko        "We are keen on enabling all our learners to develop the Core Competencies of the curriculum" Mr. Kevin Yamo, School principal. The Pre-school education forms the foundation years for all other academic levels. Therefore, it is a very crucial stage in a child`s academic, social, emotional and physical development.  To fully embrace the new C.B.C in pre-primary, educators have to ensure they incorporate tools for experiential learning.                                                                The ABC  Play House, Villa Franca, Msa rd In the instance of ABC Playhouse, "We are keen on enabling all our learners to develop the Core Competencies of the curriculum; communication and collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, imagination and planning creativity, citizenship, learning to learn, self-efficacy and digital literacy. These competencies are embedded in all the learning areas. The teachers always endeavour to deliver a 21st centur