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Showing posts from October 2, 2023

2nd Win for Governor Waiguru as she retains the chairperson of the CoG while Sakaja is ejected from the HR committee replaced by Nyeri's Mutahi Kahiga.

More woes continue to face Nairobi's Governor Johnson Sakaja as he has today been ousted as the Human Resource Chairperson for the Council of Governors. He has now been replaced by Nyeri's Mutahi Kahiga in an exercise that also saw the replacement of Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti from the Trade docket who will now be replaced by Nakuru's Susan Kihika. Baringo's Governor Benjamin Cheboi now takes over the chair of the Security committee from Tana river's Dhadho Godana. Notable was the re-election of Kirinyaga's Anne Waiguru who retained her seat as the Chairperson of the CoG having been elected unopposed. She is set to be deputised by her counterpart from Wajir county Ahmed Abdullahi.  In a statement, Governor Waiguru has stated her main focus in her second term as increasing revenue collection in counties, fully devolving functions and resources, successful universal healthcare rollout, Agriculture value chains development, value addition and trade.